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Want to Work With Us?

  • We work in some of the most stunning places that NZ has to offer!

  • Are you an industry professional or a keen learner wanting to work in an awesome team environment with top pay and considerate employers?

  • If so and you can work with our pretty standard "No Wankers" policy, scroll on down to check out some more of what we have to offer or click below to get in touch.


What You Can Expect

Below are a few things you can expect when working with us.  If you would like to enquire or apply to work with us, please click on the below button and fill in our pre-employment form.

Handy Links For Industry Staff

Click on the button below to see some useful links and checklists that all industry staff can use!

Our Seasons & Workload

Our busy pre-lamb season starts in late July and runs through until mid-October.  We are never short of work during that period and are always wanting to hear from perspective staff with great attidudes.

We are busy enough during the Summer, working at least 5 days a week from mid January to the end of March.

Crutching season is also busy, so if you dont mind getting your hands dirty, this runs from April through until mid June.

Training & Learning

We encourage staff to keep learning while they are with us, no matter their experience level. We do this through

  • Offering access to employer-subsidized training and courses through EWIT.

  • On-the-job coaching & mentoring from Willy & our experienced industry staff.

  • Having time off to attend shearing & wool-handling competitions will keep your in-shed game on point

  • It is not all about the work and we also encourage broadening skill sets to keep up with this modern world.

Staff Pay & Support

  • Our people are our greatest asset as a business.  We pay ALL entitlements to staff ON TOP of our rates. This includes paid days off on Stat Holidays and sick & bereavement leave (when eligible), just to name a few.

  • Top rates for quality-focused shearers who are keen to work.

  • Wool Handlers & Pressers are paid on their experience and time with us. The right training and attitude will get you a long way and very well paid in our industry.

  • Team Leaders are paid for what they do!  Getting the team to work and home safely is a big job.  Taking tallies and liaising with clients are all part of day-to-day work.  We pay our team leaders generously because they are our representatives when we can't be around!

  • The jobs we do within our industry are amongst the most demanding out there.  Sometimes, things get missed when the focus is just on work!  We are here for our staff and aim to provide a safe work environment where everyone is like family and enjoying what they do.

  • We understand that mental health is so crucial in the modern working environment, encouraging staff to reach out if feeling mentally low or burnt out. Access to a range of support structures and community connections is only a phone call away and can help when the going starts getting a bit too tough!

Accommodation, Food & Transport

  • We love to spoil our staff and this starts with our tucker.  We supply all food while you are at work.  All you have to look after is your breakfast and dinner.

  • The food is all fresh, healthy, and homemade by Tess along with our experienced helpers during busy times.

  • We will take care of your transport to and from work.  All of our vans are modern, well-maintained, and safe.

  • We have a range of accommodation options to suit you.

  • Our main quarters in Kurow have tidy rooms and cabins available with quality amenities. There is also a well-set-up, safe, and secure grinding room for shearers.

  • We also have a house out of town that is more of a flatting setup and caters to staff who like a bit of space and have wheels.

  • For a bit of extra privacy, we have an arrangement with the holiday park and local pub, which have cabins & rooms with private or shared amenities catering to singles or couples at a good rate.

  • If stay-out is more your thing, then we have a crew camped up around Twizel for about 6 weeks from early September.


If you’d like more information about working with us, then get in touch today.


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