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Links & Information
For Industry Staff

Below is a list of websites and documents that can be a useful place to turn for ALL industry staff.  There is information about employment, shearing, the industry, keeping yourself safe, and everything in between.  We are always updating the links and information and would love to hear from you if there is something you think would be a great addition to our site.

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Being injured is never fun.  The ACC website will lead you in the right direction and let you know the process to take and your rights if you do happen to get injured.

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Work & Income can help you out in sticky situations during down periods or slow seasons.

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The Employment NZ website has a huge range of employment-related information and an insight into our obligations as employers and employees.

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We all know who worksafe are.  Their website has all you need to know about how to make a workplace safe and what processes to follow if something goes wrong.  The document below is a good reference on how we should all operate safely in a shearing shed.

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The MBIE is the place to turn to if you have a dispute you cannot resolve with your employer.

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Rural Support Trusts have local, rural people who know from experience that pressures can mount up. Our networks and training can help with all kinds of situations, and help you get through your current challenges.

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If you are passionate about what you do and how things are tracking on the wool front then follow this link to the PGG Wrightson wool page for market reports and great stories from within our industry. 

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The NZ Merino site is a good place to start for contacts and information on who to turn to if you are operating on one of their clips.

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The Ministry for Primary Industries has all your animal welfare information.

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Link to the NZ Shearing Contractors association page.  A great place to keep up to date with industry changes and regulations.

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